History 1775 - 1783
From The Military Heroes of the Revolution:
page 19, "The American Revolution, in whatever aspect viewed, forms an epoch in history. That a comparatively weak confederacy should undertake a war unassisted, against a power which had just humbled the proudest throne in Europe, appears at first sight little short of madness."
page 25-26, "The American Revolution naturally divides
itself into five periods.
The first dates from the passage of the Stamp Act to the battle of
Lexington. This was a period of popular excitement, increasing in an
accelerated ratio, until it burst forth with almost irresistable
fury at Lexington and Bunker Hill.
The second reaches to the battle of Trenton. During this period the
popular enthusiasm died away, and recruits were difficult to be
obtained for the army; consequently the American forces were made up
chiefly of ill-disciplined militia, wholly incapable of opposing the
splendid troops of England. As a result of this, the battle of Long
Island was lost, and Washington was driven across the Delaware. In
this emergency, even the most sanguine of the patriots were
beginning to despair, when the commander in chief made his memorable
attact at Trenton, and rescued the country from the brink of ruin.
The third period brings us up to the important alliance with France.
It was during this period that a regular army, having some
pretentions to discipline, was first formed; that the battles of
Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth were fought; and that Burgoyne
surrendered, It was a period when, notwithstanding the fortunes of
the country occasionally ebbed, the cause of Independence on the
whole steadily advanced.
The fourth period embraces the war at the south. During this period
the military operations of the British at the north were
comparatively neglected; indeed England now began to regard the
conquest of the whole country impossible, and therefore resolved to
concentrate all her energies on one part, in hopes to subdue it at
The fifth and last period, which had nearly proved fatal, after all,
to Independence, comprises the capture of Cornwallis; witness the
deliverance of the nation from a financial crisis; and finally
beholds Independence acknowledged, and the enemy's troops withdrawn
from our shores."